Car Bumper Hitting the Pavement

M., Kiran, Hyderabad

While parking the car along the pavement there are chances of the bumper hitting the pavement.

The height of the pavement is usually higher whereas the lower end of the car bumper is closer to ground. One may tend to hit the pavement while parking the car.

There is a need to make the height of pavements consistent along all the parking spaces. The lower height will also help in utilizing maximum space, as the bumper can be overhanging the pavement.

2005 - 11.02.
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Anand Palsodkar on 08-11-’05 10:12 said:
Similar problem is observed while opening the doors when parking a car along the pavement / footpath.
In some cases though the Height of the pavement just clears the Door opening when the car is not loaded. but if you are in the car and then trying to get out then the door interferes with the pavement depending on the weight of the person
Anand Palsodkar on 08-11-’05 10:25 said:
continuing the issue I mentioned earlier, the occupant in the car ( co- driver or the passanger behind) is not able to alight from the car .
Bumper at least could be tweaked up but imagine getting stuck in a car or having to come out from the other door.
RJ on 12-11-’05 15:57 said:
There is one easy solution for thi problem: Devise strict guidelines for the lame ass city corporations to stop accepting bribes and to stop building these silly multi-storeyed pavements, and/or ask the automobile manufacturer's to raise the chassis sufficiently.. It is easy to blame things, but the question lies in whether we can change the mentality of people!!
robert stirling on 20-01-’06 22:17 said:
utter nonsense, give way to the motorist drop the kerb and 4 Q the pedestrians.
I think not, pavements / footpaths are for people and not to be nibbled at by
motorists. protect people not motorists
tatvi on 14-07-’06 01:56 said:
I slightly disagree with kiran's original idea of bumper overhanging the pavement. Usually at most places, pavements would be used by pedestrains, so the bumper could cause trouble to the pedestrains. If we dont' leave them their space, they are forced to use the parking lots casuing more troubles. I believe, that at any place, the parking lot should be big enough to fit the bigger cars/vans.
Deepak on 16-10-’06 10:45 said:
First of all in India we would require this kind of design only other ppl driving the car would be riding over the pavement. It is must to have something like this to protect the pedestrains walking over the pavements.
praveen on 21-11-’06 20:24 said:
Hai,all the best for ur good step,
I saw ur website name and ur company details at EEnadu newspaper.I am inspir to this sistuation.
praveen on 21-11-’06 20:27 said:
Hai,all the best for ur good step,
I saw ur website name and ur company details at EEnadu newspaper.I am inspir to this sistuation.Present i am studying M.C.A 1st year at Hyd.

thanks to u,

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