No Bus Number on Side of the Bus

B.Roja Reddy, SVCA, Hyderabad

Bus number is only displayed on the front and the back but it should also be present on the side of a bus.

People running back and forth or around the bus is a common sighting at bus stops. Many times just to avoid this, people have to get into the bus and ask bus conductor.

People standing on the bus stop often miss the number when two to three buses stand back to back and also when there is crowd in the bus stop. Displaying the number on the side of the bus helps commuters to know the bus number as soon as it arrives.

2005 - 11.02.
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UVA141 on 14-11-’05 16:04 said:
Congrats! I know you can do it.
pawan on 30-11-’05 09:10 said:
rather than just exposing a has to make it complete by atleast by giving a solution ..through various means minimum by conceptual illustrations....see that u give a useful solution to the problem.
0ol0rdo0 on 26-06-’06 14:01 said:
I agree with you Pawan, some have to use their brain to post these kind of stuff, pointing a problem is easy but when you comeup with a solution ...that makes some sense. Usability doesnt mean finding the problems but give the solutions.
USE YOUR BRAIN PAWAN!!!!the competition was to identify the problem :)
M. Seshu on 26-06-’06 15:04 said:
I think this is the problem with RTC buses in Hyderabad. Perhaps keeping this inconvenience in view, the designers of Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) buses made a provision for these side-boards. You find all the DTC and private buses with route numbers and names displayed by the side of the rear entry-door too. And even the boards are written in black letters on a white surface. If a good practice is found in some other part of the country, others should at least try to learn from it - M. Seshu, New Delhi.
G.S.MADHAV on 27-06-’06 15:02 said:
The entire transport system in India needs a great change that is proper displaying of requirements such as.
4. TIMINGS....etc..
all this must be done at appropriate places on the vehicles.
maheshveeramachaneni on 01-07-’06 22:18 said:
While driving my car in long journey, i fell very painful to press accelarator with my right leg only. Instead of that ,can not we invent another device which can be used by our hands as an accelarator (Standbye device)because i even donot bother to use my left leg to press my car!s accelarator, but i often feel it is very risky to use like that because of there is no control over the break pedal.
thanking you,
your!s sincerely,


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