Communication, is the new order of life on our planet. H2O, O2 and a skill set on our resumes is not enough anymore to survive in this ever growing complex ecosystem of life. If we are not on the helm of affairs with the ever changing dynamics of communication in today's world, then we might be forced to search for a new nomadic life on other planets.
Mobile and social communication is a big buzz word and why not, after all we have over 300 million mobile subscribers. Digital communication through various manifestations and channels like the web, blogs, micro blogs, social networking and mobile communication has stormed our lives.
UMO International Cartoon Contest’10 encourages participants to look at the lighter side of today's social networking and mobile communication globally. You can draw inspiration and references from various walks of life like politics, movies, sports, social, personal and any other to come up with hilarious and thought provoking cartoons.
Jury Panel | Competition Details
Team-UMO duly acknowledges it's gratitude towards all the participants.