Education plays a vital role in the development of an active citizenry of a nation. A well educated population is able to take charge of the many issues facing society, including social problems and political decisions, rather than sitting by the sidelines and allowing someone else to do deciding for them.
Design in essence is a message, it is a medium through which designers and businesses communicate how a new product and service will make our lives both easier and exciting. We the design community should take the ownership of educating the users and consumers of products and services through better design. So much so that peripherals like communication design and information design around these products and services gets quite crucial in informing and educating users about them.
UMO encourages all enthusiasts to highlight adverse effects of bad information design every where around us. Please bring in real life issues ranging from a piece of ticket (any ticket), forms/e-forms to labels & product packaging, medicine packaging/ labels, product manuals, movie posters, government notices, news papers, magazines, information systems, maps, signage, webpages and many others that we encounter in our day to day use.
The following 6 entries were chosen as the best submissions ( Rs. 5000/- each ) for the "Boycott Bad-Design Contest'11"
The following 4 entries were chosen as the most popular entries for the "Boycott Bad-Design Contest'11"
Team-UMO duly acknowledges it's gratitude towards all the participants.
The technology is increasing day by day and people are relying more on electrical energy. But in one or the other way we are forced to use an extension cord or spike board for one or other mode of utility in our house/office/hostel. When we get into a rented house the situation is obvious what can you do in that situation?
Children and many people use sanitary napkins which takes years to decompose and burning cause’s air pollution with toxins and causes irritation to children when used regularly.
The latest face book chat option is providing the list of users who are not only online but also offline.
Hero Honda Activa has the fuel tank designed beneath the seat! What happens here is Every-time you ought to get down, not only you if there’s anyone else accompanying you also has to. This makes it difficult when you are accompanied by senior citizens or when the person at the back is loaded with things to handle. In instances where there are huge vehicles queued up this contributes to waste of time! If you compare with the fuel tank design of a Motorbike it is very user friendly!
In every laptop heat producing components like processor, RAM chips (even fan-open in some laptops)are kept in the bottom.
We used to play with snow sprays during parties, celebrations. But the foam that comes out from spray bottle is not good for health.
When we wash our face with a face wash cream it makes hands and face oily for a while which makes us uncomfortable after cleaning face.