Information System on buses

Himesh Singh - Kanpur

The city buses are essential need of the daily commuters. Lakhs of people travel daily as it is the cheap and reliable Government service.

Bad Designs

As most of the public are local residents, the authorities do not bother much about the information system on the buses to convey the commuters. But there is problem for people who come from other states or even the foreigners. When somebody doesn’t know the written language, it becomes a huge task to pick the correct bus.

Universality of the problem:
This problem exists in whole of India. Most of the State transport Corporations are displaying the information on the bus in the local languages. I have seen the foreigners struggling to find out the proper bus in Agra and also north Indians unable to figure out the destination of the bus in Bangalore.

Existing Systems:
LED Display boards are much more better it also doesn’t solve the problem completely. Sometimes a bus with correct destination goes in front of you but you can’t figure it out, its destination. This is due the fact that at that moment of time the information was running in local language. Generally information runs on rotational basis of local language and English. In case of changing boards, driver forgets to put up /change the destination name board on bus. Bus number is also serves better for localities only. A new comer in a city isn’t aware of these numbers.

There is need of redesigning the information system for the buses so that everyone can get information clearly. If there is so much problem for the literates think about the illiterates!

Bad Designs

2011 - 09.17.
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