Mechanical key operated locks

Mohit Gupta - New Delhi

A lock is a mechanical or electronic fastening device that is released by a physical object, such as a key. Due to regular performing the action of opening and closing the locks, our semi conscious mind develops a sense when the door is closed i.e. a particular sound (takk) is produced when the key successfully rotates in the lock and our brain gives the signal that the lock is closed.

Bad Designs

Rather than training the user to check the lock after closing, it is much better to re-design the operation of the lock as per user needs. A simple solution to this is to provide a kind of mechanism which lets the user take out the key from the lock only when the lock is closed or open like the Boolean logic operation A.B for binary numbers.

Many a times it happens that the lock remains open even though we hear the takk sound which may happen due to lose grip on the upper part of the lock while locking. Since the sound indicates that the lock is closed to our mind; we rarely see the lock if it is closed as our minds have presumed that the lock was closed. Thus, a user may leave the door open which can lead to theft.

Bad Designs

2011 - 09.15.
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