Mosquito Repellent

Atla Spandana ,Karimnagar

In daily life it is need to everyone to protect our self from the attack of mosquito. We know that it is worked based on power. If the power is gone, it’s won’t work. In India 70% of the people are living in rural areas. In that areas power is not available all the times. In most cases in rural areas power cut is happening at night times. It is the time for attacking the mosquito. While people are using the mosquito repellent if the power is cut, automatically mosquito will attack. Due to this peoples are suffering from illnesses, like dengue, malaria, typhoid.To avoid this type of problems it is better to modify in other way.

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The alternative solution for this is, Attach the batteries to this mosquito repellent, it work as follows:
When we switch on this mosquito repellent, it can work as usually and it can also charge the batteries.
When we switch on the mosquito repellent, it can do both the works at a time, it can work as usually and in can also charge the batteries. If the power is cut in the middle while it is working, it will consume the power from batteries and it will work continuously. Due to this we can protect our self from some of the attacks. We can also prevent some kind of disease.

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2011 - 01.22.
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