Railway Reservation Counter

saurabh karwal,M.Des, IIT kanpur

The reservation counters at railway stations has a very small opening.
which allows passing of printed tickets or money from one side to the other, but when it comes to interaction between the ticket issuer and the buyer, it fails badly as a designed product.A person has to bend a lot to actually pass on his voice to the other side of the glass partition.Moreover, the slab size is so narrow that if a person tries to write something or keep some documents while making reservations, he has to struggle a lot to prevent them from falling down.

This design affects the backbone of the user and also fails when there is a huge crowd at the counter. The person standing in front has to bend so much that he occupies space of 2 to 3 people.This system is present at almost all the counters of Indian railways. And it has been ignored blindly even if every one gets annoyed with it during usage.
2006 - 11.08.
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sourav on 16-11-’06 00:52 said:
finding the problems are always good
sonam on 16-11-’06 00:54 said:
awesome...keep up the good wrk...
yogesh maralkar on 16-11-’06 01:38 said:
good bad design identification.so common problem but people are so habituated to that design that their perception is like'wat's bad in this?.nice one.
jayesh on 16-11-’06 03:26 said:
yes.....its true!!
subramanya TN on 16-11-’06 11:43 said:
Its a good bad problem and how come such problems are overlooked at this level where it exists all over the country.
Yes i agree with Yogesh....people think that this is the best they can get...
rupal on 16-11-’06 12:38 said:
Manish Rustagi on 22-11-’06 12:51 said:
This is an excellent thought i think u have thought in the right direction
how can people ignore this type of a problem at such a large level

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