Styrofoam Cups

Abhishek Bali, New Delhi, India

While using a Styrofoam cup one does not have any clue of the temperature of the liquid contained inside it.

In public places Styrofoam cups are used widely for dispensing tea and other hot beverages. The user’s perception of the temperature of the tea is governed by the temperature of the cup’s the outer surface. Styrofoam, however, being a good insulator “lies” about the actual temperature of the tea. Thus, when the user takes in the first sip, his tongue is scalded due to the contrast between the actual temperature and what his mental model suggested.

The chemical reaction between Styrofoam and hot liquid contained in it could also be harmful to person consuming this drink.

There should be a classification of the kind of cups to be used for liquids of different temperatures. Hot liquids can be served in containers made from some other material but Styrofoam.

2005 - 11.02.
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bekay on 26-04-’07 23:02 said:
Well its true that one cant tell the the temperature of liquid in a styrofoam cup from outside but hey.... this cup helps in keeping the liquid hot for longer period..we afterall like to chat along with tea/coffee.. so its obviously not a bad using the cups should know this fact and take the drink accordingly...
Sally roberts on 22-09-’07 08:57 said:
well i think that styrofoam cups are dangerous when theres a hot liquid in it it could definitly harm them thats why i think that styrofoam cups are best suited for keeping cold liquids cold
timsi gupta on 20-04-’10 00:24 said:
hello sir ,
i want to know whether a large modelling can be done with styrofoam
having a thickness of 1mm. ----sir please let me know as early as possible
and give ur phone no. also

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