USB Drive and USB Insertion Port on CPU
Shauraya Rawat, IISc, Bangalore
By looking at a USB drive or even the USP insertion port on the CPU one cannot make out the way to insert into the port.

The USB drive is designed in such a way that it does not give a clue of which way it has to be used. User has to either try inserting it in both ways (which damages the port and drive) or one has to see the positive and negative spaces in both the port and the drive and then insert it, which is tedious.
The orientation of the USB drive should be clearly indicated such that it is convenient to insert it in the port.

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hello, all standard usb devices are marked with the 3 conjoined arrows (standard USB device symbol) for right side up, ie while inserting, the arrows should be visible to the user.Thats the right side.