Chewing Gums Get stuck

Sadia Fatima,SPA JNFAU

The chewing gums when not disposed properly tend to get stuck to a person's shoes .

Bad Designs

They cannot be easily removed once stuck. This causes a great inconvenience to people.

Bad Designs

2009 - 09.20.
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wtf on 20-09-’09 14:10 said:
how dumb is this? i can't believe that this won a prize. It has nothing to do with the theme, and is so trivial! Some crappy judges for this competition....
Madhuri on 20-09-’09 14:51 said:
You are right! It was difficult to understand the theme for average minds. To me this entry looks apt and deserves a prize.
wtf on 21-09-’09 04:30 said:
Oh, so please explain to this below average bozo. How the fact that bubble gum is sticky, reduces its sustainability.... I know that bubble gum is non-biodegradable, but its stickiness has little to do with that. If it wasn't sticky, it would be no fun to chew, and would no longer be bubble gum.
Madhuri on 21-09-’09 09:39 said:
Thanks for saying bubble gum is non- biodegradable. That means it is not a sustainable product. I am not saying stickyness reducess its sustainability.
Second point- due to its stickyness and there is no proper disposable system (opportunity for designers), it casuses INCONVENIENCE when it is stuck to any surface. So it is a bad product.

Now we have a challenge. Without missing out the fun to chew, can we design a bubble gum which doesn't create inconvenience after use and also a sustainable?

I am not supporting since Sadia is my friend. I am convinced that this is a bad design which is creating inconvenience after use.
Krishna on 23-09-’09 18:39 said:
I agree this is a prominent problem and quiet irritating to have a bubblegum stuck in the shoe and the worse is sitting on it. I read somewhere chewing gums are banned in Singapore.

However, this entry for the bad design description raises a question- what has to be redesigned and where is the fault.. is it the chemical composition of the Gum or the civic sense of the user who do not care to wrap the gum in its own packaging to dispose it after chewing...??!! ( which is the way a chewing gum is supposed to be disposed)

I guess it has to do with the awareness as how it is supposed to be disposed and the discipline that people practice. To me this is about civic sense of the people.

To me this competition entry is not justified under bad design category. But, I congratulate Sadia Fatima for coming up with this PROBLEM which is global and increases a sense of awareness among people about how they dispose the gum next time.
Krishna on 24-09-’09 06:19 said:
Check this;
Lets see; a gum is supposed to be disposed in a dust bin after wrapping in its own foil/packaging it comes in and there is a serious need to create awareness through media. This can reduce the problem to greater extent.

Interestingly, both altering chemical composition and increased awareness about civic sense will help to overcome this problem. Sterilized chewing gum can be recycled in combination with bio resin developed and being tested by a London based designer-

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