Soluble Detergent Cakes
UI team, Hyderabad
Detergent cakes are ‘actually’ soluble in water. After using it for a while one can actually dip the detergent case into a bucket full of water and you have liquid detergent ready.
Although all brands claim that their detergent will not get soggy but it definitely happens after some time. After using half of the bar, it’s no more a solid one. It will be some semi liquid paste which is difficult to get out of the case.
Can we have something which is soft while usage and then gets hard immediately after that?Even the soap case can be called as badly designed. It is designed in such a way that it can only be kept horizontally .The soap case has holes to drain the water, but when we keep a wet soap on top of it these holes get covered and the case is no more able to drain extra water. In turn, soap tries to absorb whatever water present in the case.
If we keep the case vertically, then water drains off quickly and there is no problem of soap getting loose or semi solid.
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