Match Box

Manohar Natarajan

Matchbox is an inevitable day to day use object in households.
Bad Designs
Ever experienced the difficulty of finding the matchbox, during a power cut or in dark. The answer will be “n” number of times. A search for the matchbox in dark can bring in disastrous results like phyisical injuries and broken objects.To avoid this we can use radium based branding for match box, so that it illuminates itself in the dark and can be easily identified.
Bad Designs
2008 - 11.30.
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Divaharlal on 02-12-’08 01:20 said:
Great thought
Vijayakrishnan on 03-12-’08 22:38 said:
Its really great creative idea. and its something beyond design & Manufacturing. if Mr. Manohar gives more like this then it will be helpful to the people in all means.
Sivaprasath Selvaraj on 05-12-’08 01:13 said:
Its really great thought. Mr Manohar, Plz contact some of the match company in Sivakasi. So that we can see live product as u designed.
Kavita Singh on 05-12-’08 01:51 said:
Execellent work.
tom on 05-12-’08 05:57 said:
;-) Superb!!!! Simple but effective

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